Ciao a tutti!!
Questa è una ricetta facilissima per una zuppa scalda- stomaco e assolutamente sana e dietetica :-)... Lo so che in estate non è proprio indicata ma è buona anche fredda con dei crostoni di pane caldo ... uhmmm...
This is a very simple recipe for a warm stomache soup, and absolutely fit for diet period :-).. I know that's summer so maybe is not fit for this warm period, but it's good cold with some crunchy hot bread :-)
This is a very simple recipe for a warm stomache soup, and absolutely fit for diet period :-).. I know that's summer so maybe is not fit for this warm period, but it's good cold with some crunchy hot bread :-)
Ingredienti per 2 persone (for 2 persons):
- 2 porri / 2 fresh onions
- 1 patata / 1 potato
- sedano q.b / celery
- olio evo, sale e pepe / extra virgin olive oil, salt&pepper
- 1 litro brodo vegetale / 1L vegetable broth
Si tagliano i porri e li si fa soffriggere con l'olio.
Si aggiunge poi il brodo poco alla volta e la patata tagliata a tocchetti sottili.
Slice the fresh onions and cook few minutes with a veil of oils. Than add the broth, small amount, and the sliced potato.
Slice the fresh onions and cook few minutes with a veil of oils. Than add the broth, small amount, and the sliced potato.
Si lascia stufare per almeno 45 minuti.
Then let's to over cook for 45 minutes, adding small amount of broth.
Poi si frulla e si lascia concentrare a piacere.
Blend to dissolve potatoes
Then let's to over cook for 45 minutes, adding small amount of broth.
Poi si frulla e si lascia concentrare a piacere.
Blend to dissolve potatoes
Servire con dei crostoni di pane o del pane vecchio spezzato all'interno.
Serve with hot bread, or "old" bread inside the soup.
Serve with hot bread, or "old" bread inside the soup.
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