Finalmente ho anche io il mio personalissimo vasetto con del cremosissimo, buonissimo e dolcissimo burro d'arachidi! :-)
Hi to everybody!
And finally I've made my personal jar of a creamy and tasty and sweety peanuts butter!
The ingredients are simple as the process to obtain the butter:
Hi to everybody!
And finally I've made my personal jar of a creamy and tasty and sweety peanuts butter!
The ingredients are simple as the process to obtain the butter:
- 100 g di arachidi
- Olio di arachide
- Miele
- 100 g peanuts
- peanut oil
- honey
- 100 g peanuts
- peanut oil
- honey
Si frullano le arachidi con poco olio e miele. Si continua a frullare e ad aggiungere l'olio qb per ottenere un composto cremoso e spalmabile. Assaggiatelo spesso per sentirne il sapore e quindi regolarvi con il miele. Mettete poi in frigo.
Tempo d'esecuzione 15minuti ... :-)
You have to mince the peanuts with a little amount of oil and honey. Still mincing adding oil until the butter will be creamy. Taste it to adjust the honey quantity. Then put in the fridge.
Execution time: 15 minutes :-)
You have to mince the peanuts with a little amount of oil and honey. Still mincing adding oil until the butter will be creamy. Taste it to adjust the honey quantity. Then put in the fridge.
Execution time: 15 minutes :-)
Be, che aspettate a farlo anche voi, o se l'avete già fatto vi è piaciuto?! :-)
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